Qidiruv natijasi

  1. Iqboljon Karimov

    POT lX1 cert file

    Chımera uchunmı
  2. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi Note 5 Pro (whyred) qcn file

  3. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi Note 5a ugglite isp and testpoint

    #ugglite isp pinout Testpoint
  4. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi 5 (rosy) isp pinout

    #rosy isp pinout
  5. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi Note 9 dual imei repair

    #Merlin 1. Write dual imei 2. Nvdata coruppted fix 3. Remove this resistor Hardware Method
  6. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi Note 8 Pro dual imei repair

    #Begonia 1. Write dual imei 2. Nvdata coruppted fix 3. Remove this resistor Hardware Method By Gsm_Moderator
  7. Iqboljon Karimov

    Cert Service & IMEI Cleaner CertTool

    for GSMForum.uz site and GSMForum_uz youtube channel uploaded specifically for forum members выложено специально для форумчан forum foydalanuvchilari uchun maxsus joylashtirilgan we will release a video on how to use this program soon мы выпустим видео о том, как использовать эту программу в...
  8. Iqboljon Karimov

    Notepad ++ v8.3.1 text file editor

    for GSMForum.uz site and GSMForum_uz youtube channel uploaded specifically for forum members выложено специально для форумчан forum foydalanuvchilari uchun maxsus joylashtirilgan by Gsm_Moderator
  9. Iqboljon Karimov

    Redmi Note 7 dual imei repair

    for Redmi Note 7 dual 1 remove this resistor (4 resistor picture) 2 Reset EFS (Backup orginal EFS) 3 dual write qcn
  10. Iqboljon Karimov

    Unpaker extract for samsung and other firmware

    For samsung firmware extract lz4 and .img file
  11. Iqboljon Karimov

    Samsung J600F U10 frp remove new method (DFTPro )

    Brand: samsung Model: SM-J600F Android Version: 10 Sdk Version: 29 Android Cpu: armeabi-v7a Platform: universal7870 Security patch: 2021-08-01 Software version: J600FXXUACUH1 Time Zone: Asia/Tashkent Root Access: Denied Device IMEI: 359117xxxxxxxxxx FRP PST: /dev/block/persistent Crypto State...
  12. Iqboljon Karimov

    New YouTube Channel "GSMForum_uz"

    Hi I have opened a new channel on youtube. Of course I also post interesting and great videos on this youtube channel. Support me! Subscribe to the channel Привет, я открыл новый канал на ютубе. Конечно, я также размещаю интересные и отличные видео на этом канале YouTube. Поддержите меня...
  13. Iqboljon Karimov

    DFTPro new update

    DFT PRO Update v3.3.0 is released 🔸🔸[OPPO& REALME Mediatek]🔸🔸 🔸🔸 Added Repair IMEI for the following models 🔸🔸 🔸Oppo A5s(CPH1909)🔸 🔸Oppo A91 (CPH2021)🔸 🔸Realme 6i (RMX2040)🔸 🔸Realme C21 (RMX3201)🔸 🔸Fix bug Mediatek Xiaomi emi data🔸 🔸 Redmi 9A (dandelion)🔸 🔸 Redmi 9C (angelican)🔸 🔸🔸[Samsung...
  14. Iqboljon Karimov

    Nokia TA-1053 Restart Problem fix

    Easy way hard reset phone Click to watch the video By Gsm_Moderator
  15. Iqboljon Karimov

    iltimos manitordan screen bering

    iltimos manitordan screen bering
  16. Iqboljon Karimov

    Samsung J510F EFS NVM QCN and Security file

    for J510F free all by members by Gsm_Moderator
  17. Iqboljon Karimov


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